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Mr. Molecule Trapped in a Crystal - by ozwalled

Mr. Molecule Trapped in a Crystal

"Help!" Mr. Molecule is one of those enemies that just about anyone could draw, due to its simplicity. I wanted to draw him too, but do something different. I thought about trying to assemble a large, compound mollectule out of Mr. Mollecules but decided against it, figuring it'd be better suited at a 3D artist. So I decided on a regular formation of Mr. Mollecules, to form a magnified bit of crystal.

I made the "atom" balls a bit on the blurry side to illustrate the "whirlingness" of their electrons. ;P

Other Submissions by ozwalled

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ozwalled Mr. Saturn: Flashy?
Mr. Saturn, starring in one of my first experiments in Flash.
1/15/06 0.00
ozwalled Mr. Saturn sketch
A small Mr. Saturn sketch, done with markers I picked up in Chicago.
8/6/08 0.00
ozwalled Mr. Saturn likes music
A painting of Mr. Saturn I did on a CD wallet thing for Stevesesy. I scanned it before I sent that and Mother 3 back to him, which he was so EXCEEDINGLY kind to lend me.
1/28/07 8.40
ozwalled Mr. Saturn Cap
A Mr. Saturn type ballcap design, done moreso for the idea than the look of the thing.
1/4/05 0.00
ozwalled Mr. Saturn and Starman
Made with Creature Editor 3.0, a piece of software that was made before the Spore Creature Creator was released, as a 2D mock-up of it.
8/6/08 0.00


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